A World Class Marketing Conference 2020

# Overview

Marketing summit Prague 2020

In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization

Digital commercialization and faced with the world’s most eagers has been in comprehensive.

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We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing your industry or exchange notes with your peers and competitors. Maybe you want to place your company.









Last year was mind blowing

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers.


Why should attend evenex 2020

In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization


Meet our Conference speakers

In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization


Join the world's leading Conference

In the year of 2020, Prague has been in the top area of comprehensive digital commercialization, and faceds the top area world’s most eagers transformation business digitization

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#Event Speakers

Meet our Conference speakers

Gaëlle Nkodo
Hervé Tiwa
Mbono Magali

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#Thought leadership

Join the world's leading Conference

Jour 2

30 septembre 2020

Africa Business Centre

Conférence : Médias pour la Paix, Médias de Citoyenneté, Médias sans discours de haine

Nations Unies, Ambassades, Union Européenne, Organisations de la société civile

09h00 Salle Bantu

Masterclass 4 : Médias en ligne, jeunesse et entreprenariat

09h00 Salle Kilimandjaro

Atelier pratique 7 : Devenir blogueur ambassadeur des causes sociales et des valeurs de l’entreprise MTN


09h00 Salle Tombouctou

Atelier pratique 8 : Coaching psycho-émotionnel et le numérique

10h00 Salle Tombouctou

Exposé : Nouveaux médias, et/ou paradigmes nouveaux ?

Par Thomas Atenga, Président du Conseil Scientifique du Colloque

11h00 Salle Bantu

Masterclass 5 : My Digital Word pour les élèves

Par Meta-Facebook et Plan International

11h00 Salle Kilimandjaro

Jour 1

29 septembre 2022

Africa Business Centre

Atelier pratique 1 : Coopération technique allemande et appui à la communication numérique des communes

Par Mathieu Deffontaines (GIZ)

08h00 Salle Tombouctou

Cérémonie d'ouverture

  • Discours officiels : Ministres, Ambassadeurs, Experts
  • Atelier d’ouverture, Keynote : Médias en ligne ou médias non alignés ?

09h00 Salle Bantu

Plénière : Influence et enjeux des médias en ligne

Par Meta

11h00 Salle Bantu

Table ronde/Panel : Digital and social media, effective tools for storytelling in times of crisis

12h00 Salle Bantu

Masterclass 1 : My Digital Word pour créateurs de contenus

Par Meta-Facebook

12h00 Salle Kilimandjaro

Atelier pratique 2 : Online Media and Infographics

12h00 Salle Tombouctou


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James Sebastian Web Developer

Could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me, that it might be the mirror of my soul.

Max Mathew Ceo @Google

Campaign’s operations. Apart from a candidate the campaign manger is often a the Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again manager coordinate campaign for aparts.

Corona Man Ceo @Google

thoroughly. Our asked sex point her she seems. New plenty she horses parish design you. Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again Mind what no by kept. Celebrated no he decisively


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Deux jours pour renforcer les capacités producteurs de contenus en ligne pour plus d’appropriation des codes éthiques et déontologiques.